Thursday, September 5, 2013

Visualizing: thesis, antithesis and synthesis

This is a whimsical take on positing a thesis and antithesis, concluding with a synthesis. True concepts don't come together or are synthesized in such a straightforward fashion. I've obviously just visually "forced" the final frame. However there is a peculiar an interesting revelation here. Notice that the "climbing man"as the central figure against the ground of a mountain scape does not actual change   shape or form and yet looks completely different in "antithesis" and "synthesis". He's exactly the same, just "reflected" on the x-axis and rotated 90 degrees clockwise.

Visually the images are appealing in every iteration ( at least to my eye). And the "solution" or synthesis required a relatively simple manipulation of form, to work. Is there a process embedded in this exercise that has any bearing on creative problem solving?  (A corollary to this visual demonstration
exists in geometric theorems that are proved through visual manipulation only.)