Thursday, August 29, 2013

What makes "change" happen?

“If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” 
And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, 
I know I need to change something.”

Steve Jobs, Standford Commencement Speech, 2005


This is almost a perennial state of mind for people in any creative field. The solution to the brief is never perfect of course, it can only come close. But this also serves as motivation for doing it better the next time, for learning from the missteps. Inevitably the day comes when just getting it close-enough happens too often. Being jaded is dangerous; no longer caring about the outcome invites the kind of change that will never be strategic or productive: clients will leave and contracts will be cancelled.

Vision & Articulation.

We need to see real possibilities. To look past the horizon line and fix our gaze on a tangible goal, even when it’s not fully in view. It starts with an idea, the plans and tactics to bring it to fruition follow. It’s never an easy path, it’s constantly revised and anxiety prevails. Where does the vision come from? A desire to emulate another mental construct? To reflect a process or an idea that has worked for someone else? I think it’s always the original voice that gets heard above the din of all the imposters and posers. Creating a vision is really just a matter of being true to oneself. The trick is “knowing” oneself in the first place, getting to the heart of your mission, decoding the DNA of your company and finding your own path. Vision and perspective go hand in hand. You have to step outside your usual circles and your usual patterns in order to gain enough psychic distance to find the right vantage point to review those patterns and circles. Physical distance helps too. Working abroad, even for a short period, where you are immersed in different cultures, confronted with different world views, often brings clarity to your own. “Visual acuity” improves greatly when you finally get a sense of your own mortality. It starts with witnessing the demise and passing of others. The closer they are to you, the more effective the lesson. I’ve stopped waiting for the perfect moment, for inspiration to strike. There’s not enough time left for that. Any step forward is a good thing, even if it may not be quite the right one. The first step is always the most important one.


“Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose” 

Me and Bobby McGee - Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster

Resistance in any organization is often just a fear of the unknown, a reluctance to change patterns and deviate from a comfort zone. Even a productive pattern needs to be disrupted in preparation for future success. The degree of resistance appears to be directly proportional to what is at stake. When the coffers are empty, the motivation to try a different tactic is exceptionally strong. This is of course is a reckless form of leadership when you’re faced with a payroll and overhead. (Somewhat more acceptable when it’s just your own savings account that’s at risk). Although independent contracting in my case does not involve permanent staff or even regular business relationships, there is still the ecology of my current business model, my clients needs, my “brand” and value proposition. The forces at play naturally come from outside sources and it’s not just about my personal desire or wish to grow or change a service offer. This gets complicated. If you’re dealing with clients who have hired your “brand” or expertise, changing the brand is impossible. You have to change (inform) the client by educating them (which can be a herculean task!) or begin to target new ones, if the brand or value proposition shift is too great.